While we are always seeking new art and writing to share, Low Hanging Fruit can also benefit greatly from having more people involved. As of this writing, I, Calvin, am the only person involved in the management of this project. Right now I'm hoping to find people who are interested in literary arts and would like to interpret art in the forums, manage and seek submissions, shuffle website media, or discuss this project and its future. So another way of saying that is we are looking for professional and nonprofessional:
Art analysts: write out in-house interpretations in the forum page, based on your own opinions and analysis.
Editors: Website management and conceptualization discussion
Art/writing seeking agents: scour the internet looking for authors who would like their work published here.
Contact at lowhangingfruitsubmission@gmail.com
As this is a non-profit, ad-hawk enterprise I strung together out of my own pocket, I'm not in a great position to give consistent, meaningful pay. There is no money to be made here, as far as I know. Even if the website produces a magazine. If a way is found to make money here, these roles will surely be paid as well as possible.
For now, these roles are unpaid unless you would like to be paid per-posting, or in some other similar understanding. This can be worked out through conversation, I am open to ideas.
Thanks for reading through this!
April 27, 2024
Calvin... I'm going to share this beautiful conception to as many artists, poets, writers, etc...
(* also, if you need an experienced advertising sales executive, I got you my friend !! - K-Man